These are tournaments we may participate in during 2025

1) Tompkins Karate Association's Eastern Regional Championship

Saturday, May 3, 2024 - Eastern Regionals: $55 for events, $100 for sparring equipment if you don't have any already.

Register at:

2) College Park Judo's Ken Tamai Memorial Tournament

You must have the official Judo uniform (the judogi) to compete

April 5th - Ken Tamai. Costs: $70 yearly membership or $9.99 monthly membership. $100 uniform cost.

$40 early registration by 3/15/25, $50 standard registration 3/16/25 to 3/29/25.

$60 late registration up to April 1st, no registration after April 1st, no walkins, no day of even registration)

College Park Judo Club & Hui-O-Judo Beltsville

Ken Tamai Memorial

Judo Tournament

Saturday, April 5, 2025


Site: DeMatha Catholic High School, 4318 Madison St, Hyattsville, Maryland, 20781

Sanctioned by: United States Judo Federation Sanction Number: 25-04-??

Tournament directors Kevin Tamai (703) 622-6861 and Kurt Tamai (301) 537-5836

Schedule: 8:30 Opening (NO ONSITE REGISTRATION)

9:00 - 10:00 (Est time) Kata Competition

9:00 - 1:00 (est time) Junior/Masters Competition

1:00-4:00 pm (est time) Senior competition

Note times are only estimates- check smoothcomp app after divisions are posted. It is a dynamic system that will adjust times


Fees: Registration Fee Early (by 3-15-25) Standard (by 3-29-25) Late (After 3/29-25)

SHiai Division $40 $50 $60

Kata (per person per kata) $25 $30 $40



Ken Tamai Memorial Judo Championships - Smoothcomp


Eligibility to compete: A current USA JUDO (USJI), USJF, USJA, AJJF or ATJA membership card MUST be

presented at registration along with the signed LIABILITY WAIVER and non-black belt certification.


Contest Rules: Current IJF contest rules will govern EXCEPT no chokes for 12 years old and younger. No arm

locks for16 years old and younger during Junior competition. Any attempt to perform any technique with the

intent to injure the opponent as determined by the officials on the mat will be an automatic hansoku make. Any

judoka competing up in division will follow the rules of that division. Concussion policy will be utilized.

Judokas diagnosed with a concussion will not be allowed to continue competing. The CARE system will be

used based on availability of CARE equipment. The competition area is 7meters by 7meters with 3meter of

safety area and 4 meter between completion areas. No Kansetsu waza in junior divisions. Kansetsu waza is allowed in all senior and masters divisions.


Referees and technical officials if you are able to volunteer your time as a referee, technical official, mat helper, please infom the tournament director so we can verify the amount of volunteers we have. Thank you plaques and awards are provided for volunteers.


Referee Certification Testing for local and regional referee certification is available upon request. Candidates

should contact the chief referee prior to the event.


Elimination System: Modified Double elimination system will be used on divisions with more than 5 people.

Winner of loser bracket will get to fight loser of winner bracket for 2nd place. Smaller divisions of 5 or less will

use a round robin point system. Understand it is possible win all your matches and still not get 1st place.

Note: All female competitors are required to wear a white tee shirt. Blue belts or gis must be worn by the blue

competitor and white gi must be worn by the white competitor. (blue gi and white belt is not allowed for the

white competitor). Competitors must BRING YOUR OWN white belt and blue belt. Belts will be available for

purchase at the shiaijo. Please contact the tournament director if you cannot meet this requirement. All junior

matches will be 3 minutes. Senior matches will be 4 minutes.


Awards: Trophies will be given for first, second and third place in each division. A team trophy will be

awarded for the top Junior Team, and Senior Team. Team points will be awarded as

5 points for 1st place, 3 points for second place and 1 point for third place. Outstanding Junior and Outstanding

Senior Judoka will also be awarded. Any first shiai judoka will receive an award see Sensei Tamai.




Age 5-6 40 43 46 52 55 60

Age 7-8 40 44 48 52 56 61 66 78

Age 9-10 49 56 63 70 77 88 92 99 106

Age 11-12 58 65 72 79 86 93 100 107 114 121 over 121

Age 13-14 71 79 87 95 103 111 119 127 135 143 151

Age 15-17 110 121 132 145 161 178 198 over 198


Seniors will be divided between novice (Sankyu and below) and Advanced (Nikyu and above)

Seniors 121 132 145 161 178 198 220 over 220

Sr Women 99 106 114 125 139 154 172 over 172

Veteran Male 121 132 145 161 178 198 220 over 220

Veteran Women 99 106 114 125 139 154 172 over 172



Kata Novice (3 sets), Advanced (all sets per kata)

Nage-No-Kata, Katame-No-Kata, Ju-No-Kata, Goshin Jitsu, Kime-No-Kata

Special kids Nage no Kata - three throws.



* The tournament director reserves the right to alter or change any division to establish a more equitable

competitive division. Divisions with less than 3 people may be moved to the next bracket up.


** DOJO Weigh In: Judoka can weigh in at their dojo with the coach/sensei submitting the certified weights.

Judoka MUST make their specified weigh division. Sensei/Coach must be a certified coach or instructor

through USJA, USJF, or USA Judo.


*** Division Lists and/or Brackets will be posted to the Web site on Friday, March 4



DeMatha Catholic High School

Convocation Center Gym

4318 Madison Street

Hyattsville, Maryland 20781




PARK IN LOTS 7, 8 or 9 (see next map)

If they are full, use lot#6 behind the school on 43rd Avenue

Parking in reserved or restricted areas will be ticketed by local police.


PARK IN LOTS 7, 8 or 9

Overflow parking available in rear lot #6, on 43rd Avenue

DeMatha Catholic High School is located at 4313 Madison Street in Hyattsville, Maryland, less than two miles south of the University of Maryland on Route 1. Get Driving Directions


1.    Main Building (Front of school)

2.    St. John DeMatha Hall

3.    Brendan McCarthy '64 Activities Center

4.    Anthony Fotos Arts Center

5.    Convocation Center

6.    Back parking Lot

7.    Amico Parking Lot (White)

8.    Nusca Parking Lot (Red)

9.    Nardone Lot (Blue)

10.  Faculty/Staff Lot

11.  Plaza